March 8, 2007#

Take a close look with Google Maps!

As this article reports, some bloggers have found that Google Maps can be tweaked to show higher resolution images of at least certain regions of the world. This works only for very few regions but nevertheless, this example presents a quite astonishing view.

February 28, 2007#

Date lines vs. US Air Force jets!

Yet another software bug story that will be told by some wanna-be-cool computer science professor to his students 20 years from now. Have a look at this! Apparently, some geek managed to make the new F-22 jet’s computer crash as it crosses the date line. Wondering why this makes me think of Ariane rockets and Mars orbiters?!

February 28, 2007#

Is it real? … Or just a Windows Desktop background image?

Ever been bored? Well, here’s something you need to give a try. Really! Why don’t you just start to hunt down the location where your Windows Desktop wallpaper has been photographed? Nick Tosches story suggests that this can be a lot of fun and, by the way, it reminds me pretty much of Geocaching.

Last but not least, the story (which I found through David Pogue’s blog) is quite a piece of art. Really nice to read!

February 15, 2007#

PsExec, User Account Control and Security Boundaries

Here‘s an excellent article on Windows Vista’s User Account Control feature. Although some people tend to interpret this article as Microsoft admitting that UAC is just a big joke, I think it’s a very technical and neutral article about the capabilities, boundaries and purposes of Windows UAC. It’s worth a reading!

February 14, 2007#

Yahoo! Messenger for Windows Vista

At CES Yahoo! anounced a new version of its instant messaging client. This is going to be more than just an updated version. It’s gonna be a completly new application specially designed for Windows Vista using WPF.

At the moment my famous IM client, for sure, is Windows Live Messenger. Why? Because it’s got a clear design and is not to clouded with all possible functions in any corner of the screen, a fact that is most certainly true for ICQ but to some extent also for AOL IM and Yahoo! Messenger.

Anyway, Yahoo! Messenger is right behind WLM on second place. And with this new version (supposed it’s running stable and fast and won’t be cluttered with ads all over) it’ll be first place soon! ;-)

The reasons are pretty straight forward: It’s got a nice design which fits quite well into my Windows Vista desktop but more important, it has a much clearer window structure, and most important it supports flexible chat windows tabs and the windows sidebar. With flexible window tabs, I mean it even has tabs (unlinke several other IM clients) and furthermore you’re not forced to decied between tabs or no tabs but instead just drag one window into another to "tab" them but still can leave certain windows untabbed. See, it really pays off to have a look at free, competitive products every now and then! ;-)


Last but not least, I’m looking forward to the Vista Sidebar plugin. I’m checking the MS gadget gallery nearly every day for a similar Windows Live Messenger Plugin (there’s only two unstable ones). Currently I’m spending a few months in Spain, away from family and friends. Needless to say that there’s a few people I chat with quite a lot. Let this be my partner, family members or people working with me on the same project, I’d be happy to have some sidebar gadget giving quick access to instant messaging with those people.

I just hope hope Yahoo! will realese some early customer pre pre preview alpha version soon! :-)

Btw: I’m not a Yahoo! fan or something like that, but if this thing turns out to be only half as good as the video suggest, I’m gonna love it!

Link to Yahoo! Messenger for Windows Vista


PS: Tabbed windows, a sidebar gadget, better background design and less restrictive message length limits would be a nice starting point for Microsofts next version of Windows Live Messenger. Closer cooperation with Yahoo! enabling inter-network video and phone talks would be another nice feature. About ICQ, … well, let’s just strip it down to the design part. That should be hard enough for you guys! As soon as you got a design at all, and by saying design, I MEAN design, start thinking about functionality and usability!

February 13, 2007#

Deutschland – Ein Sommermärchen

Obowhl es etwas spät ist für einen Eintrag zum Thema WM 2006, schreib ich das hier jetzt trotzdem schnell.

Beim aufräumen auf meiner Festplatte bin ich über das Video unten gekommen und dachte mir, ich stell das einfach mal auf YouTube. Das Video wurde am Fan Fest im Olympia Park in München aufgenommen beim WM Spiel um Platz 3 (Deutschland gegen Portugal). Ich fand es damals ziemlich beeindruckend und vor allem überraschend, dass München nicht nach dem Endspiel sondern nach dem Spiel um den dritten Platz die grosse Abschlussparty mit Feuerwerk gegeben hat. Weltmeister der Herzen eben!

Auf jeden Fall hat das Video mit dem musikuntermalten Feuerwerk und der Nationalhymne im Anschluss mich ein wenig in Erinnerungen schwelgen lassen, Erinnerungen an Sommer, Sonne, Spass, gute Laune und eine verdammt geniale Stimmung! Liegt wohl an den vielen Regentropfen die hier so an meinem Fenster vorbeifallen den ganzen Tag, dass ich mich grad etwas nach Sommer und München sehne! ;-)

January 11, 2007#

Jack is back! 24 to sweeten the waiting for Stargate Atlantis and Formula 1.

24 – Season 6

I had almost forgotten about the short preview of season 6 at the and of 24 season 5. Now while looking the web for the airing dates of the upcoming Stargate Atlantis season I came across the wikipedia page on 24. And hell … the pilot’s airing in 5 days!

So finally there’ll be an end to weird Spanish talk shows or never ending Operación Triunfo! If it’s only half as good as the earlier seasons, it’ll soon be a high priority entry on my weekly schedule! Allthough not all people I know do like 24, for me, it’s one of the best TV series I’ve ever seen.

And there’s even more! Seems that they are planning to make a 24 movie. Allhtough I’ve got no idea of how to make a 24 movie (unless it’s trying to challenge Michael Ende’s Never ending Story by lasting real 24 hours), the fact that it’ll be set in London sounds quite promising!

Stargate Atlantis, Formula 1

Anyway, 24 is not all! Two other fix items on my schedule are the second half of Stargate Atlantis season 3 starting on April 6th and of course the 2007 Formula 1 season opening on March 18th in Melbourne.


Any important TV shows I forgot to mention?

January 9, 2007#

Podcasts – NYT on the front row, Spain still trying to translate the word

Here’s some information about podcasts which I’d like to share. Why? To be honest, mainly because NYT podcasts are so f***in’ good but also because Spain seems to be nearly podcast free.

How It Started

I consider myself a regular podcast listeners since about a year or so, having started listening to German news show podcasts trying to somehow keep myself busy on the sheer endless busride from my appartment to the university campus.

I found this to be a pretty goot alternative to radio, as it gives you a lot more freedom in choosing what you want to listen to, though unfortunately not beeing as easy to use when new to the subject.

Hardware & Applications

I started with an iPod Shuffle which I had got for free, soon noticed that Apple doesn’t want me to listen to Podcast on such a cheap device and thus forced to use some of those nice but not at all intuitive and stable programs like Juice or Doppler. Let’s just say the chain of Juice downloading the podcasts, Windows Media Player keeping track of new shows and uploading them to an Apple iPod plus iPod Shuffle Library Updater didn’t work as very reliably. All this has been quite a mess. So finally facing my stay abroad in Spain and an even longer bus ride to the university campus I bought myself an iPod Nano 2G and know what? It works like a smooth. iTunes and my new iPod make a perfect team and now it really isn’t any more than just plugging your iPod into your computer before breakfast and plugging it off afterwards and you’ll have all new episodes of you favorite show on this shiny little thing.

Where’s the Podcasts?

So now I’m set to listen to hundreds of awesome shows on my iPod every day on this one hour metro ride? No! Unfortunately not! But why? Because there simply are no podcasts, at least not in Spain.

Well, I must admit that’s been a little bit of an exageration, nevertheless Spain stills seems to be quite busy finding a translation of the word into their own language before even thinking about using the word. That is to say, none of the big newspapers seem to be offering podcasts, neither the small ones. TV stations either. You’d be happy to find their program schedule on their websites not to speak about additional features like podcasts, RSS or media stuff. Well, at least there’s ads! ;-) So what remains is low quality recordings of Spanish radio shows, tremendously long in duration, huge in size and tiny in content, as long as you aren’t taking bad jokes and "second hand" music for content (allthough the latter two things might be subject to my personal likes and dislikes). Anyway, not considering the non-functional podcast links on www.elmundo.es, a big spanish newspaper, this is all you’ll get, so check it out yourself at:

Now talking about Germany, I’d be happy to say that they are doing a better job, but they’re not! It’s exactly the same style. Simple recordings of radio and TV news broadcasts which are published on the according websites as so called podcasts. At least there’s more than in Spain, so, you’ll have a bit more of a choice and therefore might find some shows being somewhat above average, others somwhat below. Try it youself at the following site:

There’s even one german site with quite good podcasts:

New York Times Podcasts

So finally where’s the good podcasts? Easy question, easy answer: Go to the New York Times web site at www.nyt.com. That’s what podcasts should be like and the reason for this blog entry. They are really PRODUCING podcasts and obviously spending money on this matter. They’re not just publishing recordings of interviews or read-alouds of some of their columns, allthough one of the best podcasts on their site is just this. David Pogue, a NYT tech clumnist reading aloud his weekly published article. But he’s as good a reader as he is a writer and that he is for sure … again subject to my personal likes! The podcast which is named after it’s author is about the latest gadgets on the tech market whose features are presented and explained but also judged, quite often with a good portion of humour, sometimes quite obvious, sometimes somwhat more hidden. In short, excatly the style I like. ;-) Just give it a try:

And make sure you don’t miss all the other podcasts on the NYT web site, especially:

So finally, feel free to share your favorite podcasts in the comments to this blog entry.

By the way, even in Germany and Spain, there are a few podcasts which are quite okay, but mainly this is small unknown podcasts which are being published on a far less regular schedule (if any) and aren’t really suitable for your daily metro or bus ride. That’s why I didn’t lose any word about those in the text above.