
SimConnect Config Tool

A tiny tool to edit Flight Simulator X SimConnect configuration. The project is being hosted on CodePlex here.


More info coming soon…


  1. Hi Jürgen,

    thank for a promissing program. After downloading fsxget and the simconnectconfig tool I tried to configure the programms. I started the simconect tool an tried to set up custom setup because FSX get is permanently waiting for a connextion. After the configuration which is basically hitting the “Add” button and “ok” I get an error message saying “Cannot edit SimConnect file to change current configuration. Aborting!”

    I deleted and reinstalled everything but still the error message.

    What’s wrong?

    Many thank for your support


  2. Hello?? Is this thing on????????

  3. Hi Jürgen,

    it must be a “SimConnect.Xml” file (emty) in path

    Windows Vista / Windows 7
    Windows XP
    C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX

    if operation system ist installed on drive c:.

    Copy the file “SimConnect.sample” from SimConnect Config Tool directory into this path and rename to “SimConnect.Xml”. That’s it!

  4. Hi everybody,
    on my last post the terms in bracket were deleted during saving post.
    The path to “SimConnect.Xml” must be

    Windows Vista / Windows 7
    Windows XP
    C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR-USERNAME\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX


  5. Hi Jürgen,
    Great tool man! Thanks a lot!
    Is there a possibility that Google Earth keeps following the plane while the plane keeps centerend?

    Kind regards,

  6. thanks

  7. Hello Jürgen:
    To start this is what I have:
    On my pc is FSX
    On my laptop I have Google Earth and Plan-g an FSX utility
    My question is in order to connect my laptop to FSX on my pc,do I need to run
    FSXGET 0.1 Beta 3 and SimConnect Config Tool 1.0 Beta 1from my laptop or pc.

    Thanks for the help.Chuck

  8. Ciao
    I would know if applications run on FSX STEAM ED & WINDOWS 10

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